Home|Operating rooms overview|Burn treatment room
Burn treatment room2017-11-29T12:46:45+01:00

Burn treatment room

The burn treatment room is maximally equipped with monitoring and infusion stands that regulate the patient’s vitals. An appropriate bed should be provided to allow the patient to recline without pain during treatment.

The area of the burn treatment room, similar to an intensive care room, should be about 20 -25 m². Due to the open and partially deep wounds, risk of infection must be prevented with the supply of germ-free air. High air temperature and humidity prevent the wounds from drying out and help the patients maintain their body temperature. These important measures should be ensured with the VAC system.



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Index Variop

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1. Maquet Variop wall elements

1.1. Frameless glass elements

1.2. Flush integrated hatch cabinet

1.3. Medical gas outlets

1.4. Frameless glass element

1.5. Glass sliding door, 1-leaf

1.6. Sliding door, 1-leaf

1.7. Control panel

1.8. Frameless glass element

Groundplan & Ceilingplan

Index Equipment

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2.1. Bed for intensive care (e.g. Enterprise™ 9000 from Arjo)

2.2. Cabinet system with sink

2.3. Dual ceiling supply unit (e.g. Maquet Moduevo) consisting of: a dry side and a wet side

2.4. Room lights 6 luminaires with reflectors

2.5. Ceiling lift system (e.g. Maxi Sky™ 1000 from Arjo, with ceiling rail)

2.6. HEPA terminal filter unit (H13/H14)

2.7. Ceiling outlet for exhaust air
